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Communications Law
Communications law is interpreted differently by different states and primarily exists to govern the conduct of journalists in publishing and news reporting. It mainly exists to ensure that there is a respect to different sources from where the journalists obtain their sources and to avoid conflicts and scandals that would otherwise arise if journalists tapped communications, silently recorded conversations or published damaging allegations or claims about their sources without explicit consent or references.
The law of communications requires journalists to uphold a high level of integrity. Journalists are known to critique people and even institutions. Such critiques can have negative impact on entities in question. It therefore calls upon journalists to uphold sincererity and fairness . According to Burns, Y. integrity also calls for journalists to be very honest in research, writing and analysis. All works presented by journalists ranging from electronic web publications, or screen casts must be original. Journalists must also report truthfully without alterior alterations whatsoever what they get from their sources.. It’s required that journalists give their sources a chance to respond to allegations and criticisms before writing critically about them. Journalists should avoid getting sources from stereotypes but should rather strive to ensure that their sources are inclusive of people from all backgrounds.. Communications law also warns journalists against threatening to punish their sources for lack of co-operation.
According to Rubin, A. J. Journalists are also required to advice their sources very well by clearly addressing ground rules to them and making sure that all the potential consequences are clear. This is to cushion against sources giving statements and later on retracting the given statements as have been given off the record. In situations where sources request not to be on record and the reporter agrees they are accordingly assumed not to be on record and whatever they say at this point can never be reported.
In cases of not for attribution the law requires that identification be agreed upon between the reporter and the source in a manner that that is likely not to blow the source’s cover. In situations of off the record the law requires journalists not to publish the report unless they can confirm this from another source. In a bid not to confuse off the record with not for attrition it’s required that the journalist clearly brings to the attention of the source the definition of off the record and its implications.
Journalists are also prohibited from recording prior to gaining approval of all the people engaged in a conversation. Failure to observe this could culminate into jail term. This also applies where reporters record telephone conversations and use cameras without the approval of all the parties involved. A reporter is also required to clearly indicate a source where information comes from unless the information is a matter of common knowledge publicly known by all.
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