Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder is a mental condition that affects how a person perceives and thinks about different situations. In many cases their way of thinking is dysfunctional causing them to do actions that may hurt others with no regard. This mental disorder is common among repeat offenders of crime and drug/alcohol abuse. They may say, think, or do things without thinking about how it may affect others or their feelings. They may act harsh or callous toward others while being manipulative and lack remorse for their actions. Some of their actions may be violent and they are often unable to complete daily activities such as caring for family or job duties.

Causes for antisocial personality disorder may be related to environment and genetics. Researchers are still working to understand how people live with this disorder, but there may be signs from earlier parts of their lives that can help shed light on a potential cause. It has been learned that some people may have tendencies they inherited from someone in their family such as a parent. Their living environment may also have an influence depending on the type of relationship they had with others.

In some cases it may not be clear since people with this mental disorder have been known to live in loving households with or without presence of abuse. Certain events that occur may also be a possible cause, especially if the person lacks feelings such as empathy or lack of understanding perspectives of others. Risk factors may vary but many tend to show signs of possible social issues at an early age before adulthood. Having a family history of mental illness, unstable family life, having abusive parents, or being the subject of sexual or physical abuse are a few risk factors for antisocial personality disorder.

Individuals with this disorder are likely to experience depression, anxiety, homelessness or low economic status, imprisonment, violence, gambling issues, suicide/homicide tendencies, and even early death. Special testing (physical and lab) and medical evaluations help diagnosis and treat the disorder. Many who are diagnosis refuse or feel they do not need any treatment. Medications and psychotherapy can be helpful when a patient is open to them. Family members and friends of someone with antisocial personality disorder may need to learn certain skills and boundaries to set to help improve their relations.

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