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Organic Chemistry
What is Organic Chemistry? It is as it says, chemistry based on working with natural organic elements and compounds. It is a subdiscipline of studying organic compounds and materials to understand how they work, break-down, and worked with. In effect it working with organic materials to see what they are composed of, and how they work in conjunction with other compounds.
The term Organic Chemistry was first coined by Berzilius, in 1810. He used the term, because that by then it was believed that all investigated compounds that had come from living bodies could not be artificially manufactured. The term was challenged, as was the longer standing belief by Friedrich Wohler, who had understood that Organic compounds contained water and carbons, around 1828. Being that Wohler was a Chemist, he had studied the phenomenon and his findings lead to the understanding that water and carbons made up organic compounds. While carbonates, and other carbon based compounds, along with cyanides made up inorganic compounds.
Basically, the theory of Organic Chemistry is that carbon is the key element within organic composition. This is in part due to the structure of the carbon atom. In that its small and four electrons allow it to bond together in an overlapping chain or with any type of atoms equally strong. Because the carbon atom has four electrons, means that it can form four bonds with four other atoms. In this, Carbon is found in millions of compounds naturally.
Because of this, through Organic chemistry can break-down and understand, then synthesize millions of compounds. To be used as needed without having to invade nature to extract the compounds for our use, we can now make the compounds at will.
Today Organic Chemistry used for everything from making household goods, manufacturing, and medicines. Research is still bringing out more and more uses for Organic Chemistry. Polymers like nylon and Plexiglas are two of the more well-known products from organic Chemistry.
Organic Chemistry is a major tool in medicine as well. Without the understanding of the science Doctors would have an extremely hard time understanding the body. [This science is used for understanding the basics of the metabolic functions and pathologies within any body, human or animal.] Creating medicines to fight diseases and bacteria would be impossible without it. Organic Chemistry affects every aspect of our lives.
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